Article by Andrew Nguyen
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Feeling limited when styling your home just because you are renting? Say no more! Here are five handy tips and tricks to express your true inner interior designer.
Replacing flooring is definitely something that you are not going to do while renting. An affordable and temporary option could be purchasing a large rug to cover up that ugly red carpet and to really make the area your own.
Temporary Blinds
If you want to add blinds, but don’t want to upset the Residential Rental Provider by screwing holes in walls. There are super affordable temporary options that can be found at IKEA or Spotlight.
Temporary Wallpaper
Spice up your living room or bedroom walls by applying temporary wallpaper. There are many options you can find that peel off with a breeze!
Upgrade Fixtures and Hardware
Some rental properties have some pretty outdated or just plain old ugly fixtures and hardware. If you are not afraid of a drill, upgrading kitchen cabinet handles or even the shower head can do wonders. Just remember to keep the old ones to put back on when you leave!
Decorative Ladders
Ladders leaning up against a wall can be both stylish and practical without securing anything into the walls. Use decorative blankets, towels or even use it as a place to hang your scarves.
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